When the journey got bumpy and scary, I comforted myself by remembering how God marked our path for us... how I was in St. Louis on business (staying at the Vespas) when the Mayfields reminded me that otolarygology was Dr. Haughey's specialty... how Bruce said 'yes I can help you'... how Tom & Janice Vespa offered us their 3rd floor as our home whenever we needed it. It was comforting to see the path clearly lit.
Staying with the Vespas is an amazing blessing. I could NEVER begin to list all the comforting things they have done to make all of this more tolerable, but I am going to list a few of them so you can get the picture:
-They shuttle me to the hospital and shuttle me home.
-Tom has a glass of wine for me every night when I stop by to wash my face and grab jammies.
-There are fresh hyacinth from Tom's garden on the night stand.
-They send me off with a lunch / snack bag when I leave for the hospital.
-I got to watch Papa (Grandpa Tom) lovingly care for Cece the week before the Marathon. (Do you know how peace-giving it is to watch a grandpa delight in caring for a first grandchild? These two are in love!)
-Tom & Cece walked me to the Metro Link station (above) to show me the ropes of taking the train to the hospital, even though they always insist on driving me.
-They live just two miles from the hospital complex through beautiful neighborhoods to get there.
-Janice was an RN in a former life and her medical counsel blends in common sense & love.
-(Whenever we get back) they have a porch where Mike can sit in the sun and look out at Tom's Garden
-Tom is a gourmet cook, and Janice is a gourmet baker.
-Like I posted about before, Tom fixed an amazing pre-surgery dinner for Mike including homemade linguine noodles
-They have been dear friends of our family for years and years, and even came up to Oakland for our wedding.
-And they make all these things seem like all of it works right into their schedules.
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