Friday, October 28, 2011

crossing the finish line.

Today was a big day! Mike completed his LAST DAY of radiation treatments. He rang the bell loud and hard.  We were surprised and delighted that our dear waiting room friends, John & Jan Sheehan, drove all the way from Sioux City to be there for Mike on his last day - even though John's treatment ended yesterday! In John's words "he was there for me and we are going to be there for him." 

We were blessed by the way the staff hung out in the hallway to watch and cheer Mike on.  We were blessed that daughter Mallory and best friend Devyn came from Lincoln complete with balloons and party hats.  We are relieved to be done.

It was a bit sobering when Nurse Cindy had to pull us aside at the end and remind us that "we will have cell death for two more weeks before regeneration starts" and "the next four weeks are as important for nutrition and rest as these six weeks".  Ugh.  The last three days of radiation has been so painful that Mike has had tears even trying to eat ice cream through the rest of the day and night.  His mouth sores are high on the pain scale.  (We take Alleve around the clock and are starting on what they call "miracle mouthwash" which will deaden his mouth sores.)  We compared this to finishing Graduate School but still having your thesis to write.  Don't get us wrong - we are super duper thankful to be done with these stinkin' radiation treatments.  The journey is still very taxing and wearying.

Thank you for riding with us.

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