Friday, August 12, 2011

good medicine.

Providential. Daughter Emily sent Mike the book "Unbroken" for his birthday last month. I have never seen Mike more captivated by a book and it is the perfect medicine for him right now. He spent hours yesterday sitting on the third floor sofa reading his book. He went to bed reading it last night. He woke up this morning and finished it. I could not have been happier. One of my most difficult jobs as Cancer Coordinator is keeping Mike from lifting and working and breaking the 10 pound rule. It is hard to keep him down. This book was a God-send.

He just came down and reported that he finished the book - and to his delight a Marine buddy was listed in the credits at the end. Author Laura Hillenbrand said "I also thank my dear friend Colonel Michael C. Howard, USMC (Ret.), who worked with... (others)... to find information on Everett Almond, the navigator who was killed by the shark while trying to save himself and his pilot." Mike loved this book.

Side note about great books: We saw the movie "The Help" yesterday afternoon with friends Sharon & Randy Mayfield. (CC has determined that movies are a great recovery & healing of stitches activity.) The book is great AND the movie is great. That is rare. Hope you will both read the book AND see the movie if you haven't.

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