Tuesday, April 5, 2011

checking in.

It is 2pm and I just got word from the OR that "they are still working and everything is going great." I am glad that they beeped me because I was ready to hear something. Thanks for being out there with me... I can feel you.


  1. good to hear....kbr

  2. Hi Mike and Karen,
    I have been following your blog each day and holding you up in my prayers. For Mike - I have been praying for God's ever present love and his healing touch, and God's guiding hand for Dr Haughy as he performs the surgery to remove those nasty cancer cells and bring the return of healthy days and years ahead to Mike; and for Karen - I pray for continued courage, strength, good health and faith and as you love and care for Mike as he recovers from his surgery. I am so thankful as I read the positive updates on the progress of Mike's surgery. I'll keep on prayin'!
    Sharon Krueger
