Saturday, April 9, 2011

clarification of the scene.

The previous post looks a little cheery for the actual scene. Mike is absolutely miserable today and I feel badly now that I complained about his ability to eat. (I asked him to smile for the picture with Dr. Rich.) Dr. Haughey just stopped by and when he looked at Mike and heard him speak, he knew immediately that Mike has too many remnants of morphine still in his body. Note to self: No more morphine as pain killer for Mike. The side effects have made him miserable and unable to get rest, even though he is exhausted. PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that all of the sedative and morphine pain killer would clear his system. We both feel better after seeing Dr. Haughey because it helps us understand why my strong husband can't even stand up and continues to feel just plain weird.


  1. Tell Mike that Mallory looked SO BEAUTIFUL!! Just like a princess!

  2. Rest and time. Each day will get better from here.
