Friday, April 15, 2011

where's the scare in the scar?

I am shocked at how tame Mike's almost six inch scar already looks. I am kinda of disappointed. I thought he totally pulled it off when it looked "knarly". It think it is going to be hard to see in no time. Glad I at least have pictures of the wicked version. (The scar is from lymph node removal. The scars from the primary mass removal are all on the inside since Dr. Haughey used the Steiner scope to reach the area through Mike's mouth.)

1 comment:

  1. Just last night, as I read the final chapter of a great novel, I came across a line that immediately made me think of Mike, and his scar. The words are a woman's recollection of what her new husband said about a significant scar she had from a childhood tragedy: "...and the scar meant that I was stronger than whatever it was that tried to hurt me." Beautifully put, I think.

