Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Before I fall into bed tonight I want to tell you how much better I felt after seeing Mike today. He is fully sedated and looks very peaceful. (I think that the sedation and pain relief drugs seem perfectly coordinated.) Their goal is to keep him perfectly still so that his body can heal and tender areas of incision won't be moved. No more coughing! He looked comfortable. When I am there I gently lay my hand on his and talk softly to him. They are not moving him for anything. I can honestly say that he has not moved 1/4 inch all day. It makes me relieved. I think I can sleep tonight knowing he is so comfortable. Tomorrow morning (Thursday) they will remove the packing to see if the bleeding has stopped like they think it has. They plan to leave him sedated on the ventilator until Friday morning. I keep thinking about how fun it will be to look in his eyes and talk to him.

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